Fat pads under the chin or loose skin under the chin and neck can be a big insecurity for patients and here at Glowry Cosmetic clinic we offer effective treatments to destroy the fat cells and tighten the skin.

Ulfit fat melting

Our most popular treatment to reduce the appearance of double chins is the ULFIT. We combine the Ulfit fat melting treatment with skin tightening to get the ultimate result. There is no downtime with this treatment and you will see the final result within 8 weeks.


Another treatment we offer is Cooltech. This treatment kills the fat cells by freezing them. This treatment takes around 45 minutes and can reduce up to 30% of the fat cells in just one session. The number of sessions you need varies from patient to patient. Because of the nature of this treatment, there is the possibility of bruising and/or redness around the area treated. However this can be covered with makeup and will ease over time.